Entries from 2014-01-01 to 1 year

Creating a business that does not fall apart due to its structural design

A business model's design has a structural design element to it. No matter how superb an architectural model, if it cannot be physically built, it's just pie in the sky. What is also demanded is quake-proof structure that will not collapse…

The Goal is NOT a Business Model itself, but the Design of Customer Value

In a figuratively speaking of construction, an importance of the design is not the building by itself, but what kind of life and activity would be practiced there. The building is simply a box, and people who make action within that box is…

Understanding the Overall Idea of a Business based on its Model

From its very name, we can infer that a business "model" does not refer to the business itself, but to a model that mimics the business. A business model and an actual business are naturally different, just like a miniature plastic model o…

A Mobile-Payment Innovation by Apple

An article stating that Apple is planning on expanding their mobile payment system was published on the Wall Street Journal. Five hundred and seventy-five million people are registered on the iTunes store. Services where such a large numbe…

Accept the Uncertainty Surrounding Innovation

As I touched upon in the last entry, creating a business model requires a review of the business from three different perspectives. However, this alone is not enough. If you are going to wake the innovation, a stance that makes difference …

The Three Perspectives Necessary for Constructing a Business Model

In order to spark innovation, not just for the product, but for the business model itself, it is necessary to look at the industry as a whole with what may be called the top management perspective. Top management must consider sales and ma…

All Careers are Coincidences

(Recording of a speech given at an MBA EXPO, November 30th, 2013) As this talk is supposed to be about how great it is to do an MBA, let me start by saying that when I actually got to business school, my first thought was "Is this it?" Who…

3 Phases in Innovation

There are 3 phases in innovation.The first is the process innovation. It is a typical example that Ford Model T was distributed at cheap price through mass production, using the conveyor belt-based assembly. They brought about innovation i…

The Balance between the Left Brain and the Right Brain to Make a Harmony

――I think you have such a logical way of thinking, Mr. Koyama. I feel that right amount of 'right-brained' approaches are applied accordingly. Are you originally a left-brain thinker but have acquired the creativity of the right brain? I t…

Japanese businesses have lost the power of on-site improvisation

--During your work as a consultant, what changes have occurred in your clients? How do you think the change in your clients is changing the world? One very important thing is the method of improvisation. Up until now clients have followed …

Writing Books while "Breathing the World"

I am currently in "writing mode", and work in a way that is extremely stoic. I put 25 minutes on a timer, shout "ready, go!", and after all of the minutes are up, count the number of characters I have written. If the results are not very g…

The Private Writing technique for helping to write in quantity

This technique for helping to write in quantity, Private Writing, was introduced in "IDEA HACKS!2.0". The method is to write down everything you think of, leaving nothing out. Its distinction lies in moving your hands and writing rather th…

A Writing Style of Checking My Pace is like a Marathon

I am working on writing for a new book right now. I have written 10, 000 characters in Japanese in the past 3 days. To make a book, I need 100, 000 characters so if I keep up the pace, it should be done in 30 days.Blogging is like a sprint…

Make Diffusion Models Backed by Technology

In an interview with the Nikkei Newspaper, Professor Christiansen offered the following responses. ——Explain the requirements for Japan's recovery."In order for big corporations to create new growth opportunities, they must return to their…

If we think about it through backcasting, we can see that a big change has already started in 2014

On the other hand, making predictions for a year is difficult because we must use forecasting in a step-by-step fashion. Because it is the near future, we tend to predict it with the assumption that the past will continue in the same way. …

Expand our Imagination during this Relaxing New Year's Holidays

It is quite difficult to make a prediction of the year. For example, predictions regarding international disputes changes drastically by small and minor incidents. Even for the economy, it is hard to assess the impact of the consumption ta…